How to measure customer satisfaction accurately
Customer satisfaction surveys are expensive because old-fashioned models are often over-stuffed with irrelevant attributes. Long, boring interviews tire out respondents who give unreliable answers. Keep reading – we have a solution to measure satisfaction accurately at an unbeatable price.
Image 1: Professional customer satisfaction models from MarketingStat©
How to spot a poor customer satisfaction measurement
We all agree that measuring customer satisfaction is important. But does the work of your agency enable you to answer these three questions:
- Are all attributes you measure satisfaction for relevant and necessary?
- How do you know these attributes measure satisfaction in a reliable way?
- Can you estimate how much each attribute contributes to overall customer satisfaction?
If you cannot answer these questions without beginning the sentence with I think that… odds are you are using a weak and expensive model.
This means, you may be wasting time and money measuring satisfaction using attributes that have just a minor or no impact on actual customer satisfaction.
Our 2-step customer satisfaction model is better & cheaper
Our clients can afford 4, 6, and even 12 customer satisfaction surveys a year, and they still save money compared to a single survey from traditional agencies. And we challenge anyone to criticize our measurement models.
As a first step in satisfaction measurement, we identify the correct model for your business and customers. The waves that follow are then faster, more reliable, and enable you to make decisions with surgical precision.
Improving customer satisfaction often requires several projects and activities spread over a period of time. Our clients can determine quite accurately the improvement to overall satisfaction resulting from each project they run. Those projects deliver what they promise.
Read an article on how we measure customer satisfaction
MarketingStat’s Customer Satisfaction Survey:
Unmatched service at an unbeatable price.
How can we charge such low prices?
We have automated all survey processes that old-fashioned agencies are still doing manually. And there is room for further improvement. Stay in touch with us.
Our high level objective is to democratize the use of accurate surveys.
Customer satisfaction studies may be tricky
Users of customer satisfaction studies must make sure two conflicting objectives will be satisfied:
- Gather reliable answers. Respondents should be able to answer the whole questionnaire without fatigue. This avoids the mental tiredness caused by long and complicated surveys that invalidates the respondent answers. The good news is that a professional analysis of the survey model will almost certainly suggest ways to reduce the length of the interview by eliminating unnecessary attributes.
- Rank attributes by importance. This is the vital core of any customer satisfaction study. If our customer satisfaction survey doesn’t allow us to make statements like “Increasing satisfaction by 1 point with attribute X lifts overall customer satisfaction by Y points” chances are we are wasting time and money with an old-fashioned measurement model.
These two objectives are conflicting because, according to the old method, to assess the importance of an attribute, respondents must answer two questions for each attribute instead of one. These (simplified) questions are: “How satisfied are you with {this item}?” and “How important is {this item} to you?” So, if we measure 25 attributes 50 questions are needed to gather all data. This tires out respondents. The quality of the answers becomes questionable, and objective 1 won’t be satisfied. On the other hand, if you try to gather reliable answers with the old measurement approach while keeping the interview short chances are you won’t be able to rank the contribution to overall satisfaction of the individual attributes.
This last point is extremely important because it tells us where and how much to invest. Ranking attributes according to their contribution to overall satisfaction is the real backbone of activity plans aimed to increase customer satisfaction.
Image 2:
The Customer Satisfaction Index alone may give a misleading picture.
Forget the math.
You focus on the business and we take care of the details.
Measuring satisfaction once a year is useless
The trend is all important.
You must see as soon as possible how individual activities contribute to overall satisfaction. Otherwise, the risk of investing time and money in useless projects is high.
MarketingStat’s unbeatable price allows our clients to conduct 4, 6, and 12 satisfaction measurements a year still saving money compared to one single measurement from traditional market research agencies.
Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are linked to profits
Increasing customer satisfaction means attaching more value to products and services, because customers may be very loyal to value.
We can show you the shortest path to customer satisfaction. We reduce the trial and error involved in creating an outstanding offer. We help you focus your efforts on the few really relevant activities that build satisfaction quickly and for the long-term.
All at an unbeatable price.
Contact MarketingStat if you think your project deserves professional measurement of customer satisfaction.
Image 3:
Correlated variables help you understand the relationships in the model.
MarketingStat – Professional customer satisfaction measurement
at an unbeatable price.
You may also be interested in:
- Insight Discovery Report© – MarketingStat’s professional survey data analysis
- Sample size calculator
Image 4: Cross tables with Satisfaction index.